Gungahlin Anglican Church

A church devoted to introducing people to Jesus to build and strengthen our relationship with Him and with each other through Christ centered fellowship.

Welcome to GAC (Gungahlin Anglican Church)! A church devoted to introducing people to Jesus to build and strengthen our relationship with Him and with each other through Christ centered fellowship. Our Sunday service times are as follows, all are welcome:

9.30am: Grace Chapel, Burgmann Anglican School (Valley Campus)
(& Sunday School)

10.00am: Heyward Hall, Burgmann Anglican School (Forde Campus)
(& Sunday School)

7.00pm: Grace Chapel, Burgmann Anglican School (Valley Campus)
(& Central Cafe afterwards)

Throughout the week we have a number of growth groups, playgroups, youth groups and men's/women's ministries throughout the year. Please don't hesitate to visit or contact us for any questions.

Church/religious organization